Sander Mulder anno 12.02019 (Photo: Hugo Onink, Lifeshots Photography | TU Delft IDE)

Hier volgt een kort overzicht van mijn werkzame leven. Op LinkedIn vind je een vollediger overzicht.

Werkzaam leven

  • ik heb gewerkt als jr. consultant voor KPMG Management Consulting en als organisatie-adviseur voor innovatie en groei bij Van der Meer & van Tilburg [totaal 5,5 jaar werkervaring]
  • van 02003-11.02019 ben ik zelfstandig ondernemer vanuit Yppah, eerst ‘natuurlijke partner voor jongerenmarkten’, tegenwoordig werk ik breder op het gebied van onderzoek en ontwikkeling van co-creatie
  • van 02004 – 02018 was ik verbonden aan de Faculteit Industrial Design van de Technische Universiteit Eindhoven in verschillende rollen [lecturer/coach/theme champ/project coach] en via twee arbeidsrelaties [free-lancer/flex-contract]
  • Van 09.02012 – 02013 werkte ik als coach bij de opleiding Communication and Multimedia Design, Hogeschool Utrecht
  • Sinds 09.02015 ben ik docent aan de Technische Universiteit Delft, Faculteit Industrieel Ontwerpen (IO), Afdeling Design, Organisatie en Strategie (DOS, voorheen PIM), sectie Creative Processes (voorheen Methodiek en Organisatie van het Ontwerpen, MOD). Ik was cursuscoördinator van io1061 Business, Cultuur en Techniek (ook bekend als BCT, 7,5 ECTS, 350 1e jaars studenten BSc, 2016-2021) en was cursuscoördinator van IOB1-4 Understanding Organisations (5 ECTS, 290-320 1e jaars studenten BSc, 2021-2023) en was verantwoordelijk voor de cursus io3817 Ondernemerschap & Bedrijfsplanning (2 ECTS, 100 studenten 3e jaar alle faculteiten) binnen de TBM Minor Technology Based Entrepreneurship. Ik geef nu les in de cursussen ID4350 Design Strategy Project (MSc), ID4370 SPD Media (MSc, track ‘Auditory Storytelling’), ID5567 Social Venturing (MSc, coach), IOB3-2 Research for Design (BSc, coach in basisvak onderzoeksvaardigheden voor beginnende ontwerpers) en tot slot IOB1-4 Understanding Organisations. Ik begeleid altijd MSc Graduate Students.
  • Van 02007-02008 ontwikkelde ik autonoom ‘community art’ initiatieven en experimenten in Utrecht onder de noemer VER-MAAK

Working life

  • I worked as a jr. consultant for KPMG Management Consulting and as an organizational consultant for innovation and growth at Van der Meer & van Tilburg [total 5,5 years work experience].
  • from 02003-11.02019 I was an entrepreneur operating under the name of Yppah, first as a ‘natural partner for youth markets’, later in a broader spectrum of clients still in the field of research and development of co-creation.
  • from 02004 – 02018 I was attached to the Faculty of Industrial Design of the Eindhoven University of Technology in different roles [lecturer/coach/theme champ/project coach] via two employment relationships [free-lancer/flex-contract].
  • I’ve been working as an external PhD candidate since 05.02012. I started at TU/e, Industrial Design, department Business Process Design. I’m researching how we can think about the responsibility of designers. I do this by bringing Gilbert Simondon’s philosophy into contact with Design Theory, Design Methodology/Design methods & design techniques. At the moment I work with one long distance supervisor.
  • From 09.02012 – 02013 I worked as a coach at the Communication and Multimedia Design programme, Utrecht University of Applied Sciences.
  • Since 09.02015 I am a lecturer at Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Industrial Design, Department of Design, Organisation and Strategy (DOS), section Methodology and Organisation of Design (MOD, fka PIM). I was course coordinator of io1061 Business, Culture and Technnology (aka BCT, 7.5 ECTS, 350 1st year BSc students, 2016-2021), the course io3817 Entrepreneurship & Business planning (2 ECTS, 100 3rd year BSc students from all programmes) within the Minor Technology Based Entrepreneurship. I’m still teaching in the courses ID4350 Design Strategy Project (MSc), ID4370 SPD Media (track ‘Auditory Storytelling’), ID5567 Social Venturing (MSc, coach), IOB3-2 Research for Design (coach, basic course on research skills for starting designers) and IOB1-4 Understanding Organisations. I’m always mentoring MSc Graduate Students.
  • From 02007-02008 I developed autonomous ‘community art’ initiatives and experiments in Utrecht under the name VER-MAAK.

Dit is mijn oude mij lang geleden anno 02013. This is the old me back in the days anno 02013. Photo: Lilian van Rooij Fotografie